Congruence is the term used by Rodgers to describe a therapeutic relationship where the presents him or herself without pretense. (Rogers 1961). A therapist is in a state of congruence when there is an “accurate matching of experience with awareness” (Rodgers 1961). The therapist is “at one” with their feelings and has the freedom to…
Category: Blog
Psychedelic Therapy and Psychodrama Therapy Impact Brain Similarly
A hot research topic in universities around the world involves the effect of psychedelic drugs have on the brain and mental health. These studies seeks to prove that psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD can effectively address various mental health issues, like depression, OCD, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The early research on these topics has been…
How Lawyers Use Psychodrama to Prepare for Sentencing in a Criminal Case
Psychodrama has been utilized by creative lawyers to assist in case preparation and courtroom presentations for several decades. American trial lawyer Gerry Spence is widely attributed with being the first lawyer to conceptualize the interplay between psychodrama and law, and in 1994 he created the Trial Lawyer’s College where lawyers are taught how to utilize…
Healing From Childhood Trauma with Psychodrama
A common general theme in psychodrama is the exploration of a past childhood trauma. A psychodrama may conclude with a corrective reenactment of some aspect of the trauma but with a more satisfactory ending. To elucidate this, assume there is a time when a child was abandoned by his mother. A past scene of abandonment…
How Does the Michigan Psychodrama Center Assist with Psychodrama Certification ?
The Michigan Psychodrama Center provides psychodrama students with all of the supervision and training necessary to obtain psychodrama certification. However, to be clear, the Michigan Psychodrama Center does not independently certify psychodrama practitioners or psychodrama trainers. Instead, the MPC provides all of the training and supervision hours that are necessary for and can be utilized…
Dr. Elizabeth Corby and Patrick Barone Nominated for ASGPP Collaborators Award
The Michigan Psychodrama Center is proud to announce that the founding members, Dr. Elizabeth Corby, and Patrick Barone, have been nominated for the American Society of Group Psychodrama and Psychotherapy’s (ASGPP) Collaborator’s Award. The Collaborator’s Award is presented by the ASGPP to members whose work, over time , has contributed in a unique and significant…
How Lawyers Use Psychodrama in the Courtroom
Many people who come to learn of psychodrama in the medical or therapeutic settings are often surprised to learn that psychodrama is widely utilized by lawyers. For example, in addition to be a founding member of the Michigan Psychodrama Center, Patrick Barone also maintains a full-time law practice. His use of psychodrama in his law…
Michigan Psychodrama Center’s Bibliodrama Workshop Featured in the ASGPPs Psychodrama Network News
The Michigan Psychodrama Center recently facilitated a four-hour Bibliodrama workshop via Zoom entitled “Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos.” This three-hour workshop took place on Sat April 25, 2020 and grew out of the events then taking place around Covid-19 pandemic. Premised on the belief that the pandemic has and will bring profound change,…
Barone Publishes Chapter Entitled Bringing Scripture to Life with Bibliodrama
The Michigan Psychodrama Center is pleased to announce that co-founder Patrick Barone has published a chapter entitled Bringing Scripture to Life with Bibliodrama in Dr. Adam Blatner’s book entitled Action Explorations: Using Psychodramatic Methods in Non-Therapeutic Settings, (Paralax Productions, February 23, 2019). This book, which has been in the works for over two years, is…
Bibliolog as a Short Form of Bibliodrama
In her book Bibliolog: A Creative Access to the Bible, Uta Pohl-Patalong sets out to first describe how Bibliolog and Bibliodrama are different. The balance of the book provides the reader with a how-to manual for conducting Bibliolog. Uta Pohl-Patalong is a is a German Protestant theologian and Professor of Practical Theology at the University…