The Michigan Psychodrama Center (MPC) is now accepting applications from those interested in joining an ongoing therapy group. We meet bi-weekly on Wednesday afternoons, from 3:45 – 6:15 p.m., Eastern Standard Time. Due to the pandemic, the meetings are currently conducted remotely via Zoom. This therapy group utilizes experiential action methods for doing personal work….
Michigan Psychodrama Center to Again Present at the ASGPP 79th Annual Conference
Michigan Psychodrama Center’s co-founders Patrick Barone and Dr. Elizabeth Corby will be presenting a 90-minute workshop at the 79th ASGPP annual conference “Honoring the Past & Visioning the Future” The conference, which will be all online this year, will take place on April 7-11, 2021. The American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama presents an…
How Psychodrama Helps Build Key Business Skill of Emotional Intelligence
According to an article in the Harvard Business Review entitled “How Emotional Intelligence Became a Key Leadership Skill” (April 2015), there are five components of emotional intelligence that allow individuals and business leaders to recognize, connect with, and learn from their own and other people’s mental states: Self-awareness Self-regulation Motivation (defined as “a passion for…
Bi-Weekly Psychodrama Group
Bi-Weekly Wednesday Psychodrama Group with Elizabeth A. Corby, Ph.D., CP, PAT. This 2 hour weekly psychodrama group is an on-going personal growth and training group for men and women. These groups will use psychodramatic techniques, sociometry, and many other empirically-supported methods to enhance personal development. In this group we address a wide variety of issues,…
Using Psychodrama to Resolve Conflict in the Business Place
Introduction: In the business world, we have work groups and work teams. A work team has members who work interdependently on a specific, common goal to produce an end result for their business. A work group is two or more individuals who are interdependent in their accomplishments and may or may not work in the…
Building Emotional Intelligence with Psychodrama
Psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy utilize various tools which are unequaled in their ability to teach emotional intelligence (EI) to individuals, groups and organization through the ability to help others “experience” the components of EI in themselves and in others, through the role reversal process. Role reversal exercises can be done in one-on-one settings using…
Psychodrama and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Dr. Corby’s work in the field of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has greatly influenced her work as a psychodramatist. Cognitive therapy and psychodrama can be done in the individual session setting or in group therapy. Cognitive therapy is based on the cognitive model, which sets forth that thoughts generate behaviors and physiological responses, and that all…