The Michigan Psychodrama Center recently facilitated a four-hour Bibliodrama workshop via Zoom entitled “Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos.” This three-hour workshop took place on Sat April 25, 2020 and grew out of the events then taking place around Covid-19 pandemic. Premised on the belief that the pandemic has and will bring profound change, the workshop sought to help participants make sense of the great existential questions provoked by these changes, including such questions as; why am I here, why is this happening, and what does it all mean? Is this all random or is Covid-19 part of a greater cosmic plan?
In this 3-hour online Bibliodrama workshop participants explored these themes in the context of Bibliodrama. The facilitators Dr. Elizabeth Corby and Patrick Barone lead participants through a series of exercises conceived to allow a “stepping into” the ancient world where participants co-created Bibliodrama’s “Midrash” and “white and black fire.” The goal of the workshop was to allow participants to experience a new sense of connectedness with one another and with the scriptures utilized.
Among the workshop’s 12 participants was Dr. Nancy Kirsner, Editor of the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama’s (ASGPP) Psychodrama Network News (PNN). Dr. Kirsner wrote about her experience in the Spring Summer 2020 PNN, which is available free online.
In her beautifully written article, Dr. Kirsner elucidates her workshop experience, beginning with the group warm up, and concluding with the group’s sharing and processing. Each successive step in the three-hour Bibliodrama is described in vivid detail including Dr. Kirsner’s own deeply cathartic experience in taking on the role of a little girl during the Passover described in Exodus 12 as depicted through an artist’s rendition of the event.
Lead by Michigan Psychodrama Center founders Dr. Elizabeth Corby and Patrick Barone, Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos workshop was intended to help participants make sense out of the Covid-19 pandemic, and learn how scripture can be used as way to understand and find peace in these chaotic times. Dr. Kirsner’s article includes a section written by Corby and Barone about their process in conceiving, developing, and executing this Zoom experience.
PNN is published three times each year by the ASGPP and is one of the ways members and others communicate about developments in their profession and their professional lives. A copy of the Spring Summer 2020 PNN featuring an article about the Michigan Psychodrama Center workshop is available free online.