The Michigan Psychodrama Center is pleased to announce that co-founder Patrick Barone has published a chapter entitled Bringing Scripture to Life with Bibliodrama in Dr. Adam Blatner’s book entitled Action Explorations: Using Psychodramatic Methods in Non-Therapeutic Settings, (Paralax Productions, February 23, 2019).
This book, which has been in the works for over two years, is not about psychotherapy. Instead, Action Explorations is Dr. Blatner’s 366 page anthology consisting of 23 chapters written by 23 different authors each of whom describe how various psychodramatic methods or similar approaches can be applied in non-clinical settings. The book’s content is assembled into six different categories each of which describe how psychodramatic Action Explorations can be adopted in:
- Business and Organizations
- Education
- Social and Community Contexts
- Personal Growth
- Spirituality
- Expanding Therapeutic Uses
For this book, Patrick opted not to write an additional chapter on the use of Action Explorations in law because he has already published so extensively on this topic. Alternatively, Patrick wanted to explore his unique assimilation and adaptation of the form of Bibliodrama originally conceived of by his friend Dr. Peter Pitzele. Patrick began training with Dr. Pitzele in 2015 and continues to work with him presently. Additionally, Patrick has presented and taught Bibiodrama at the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama’s annual conference. He and Michigan Psychodrama Center co-founder Dr. Elizabeth Corby regularly co-lead Bibliodrama workshops. In his chapter Patrick has drawn from this rich breadth of topical experience.
The book’s editor, Dr. Adam Blatner’s career has spanned five decades. During this time Dr. Blater has been a prolific author and significant contributor to the field of psychodrama. His body of work includes two books on psychodrama, chiefly as psychotherapy, in addition to some monographs, and many, many papers on psychodrama over that last 50 years (that is, on role-playing in psychotherapy). Now, after 50 years Dr. Blatner has applied his writing and editing skill to this book which he hopes will increase the public’s awareness that psychodrama’s action methods and role playing are powerful methodologies that have been successfully applied well beyond their more traditional applications in psychotherapy.
Copies of the entire book can be purchased at all major book sellers. Please contact the Michigan Psychodrama Center for information on how to obtain a copy of Mr. Barone’s Chapter.