The Michigan Psychodrama Center provides personal growth psychodrama workshops, attended by people looking for personal growth, as well as therapists, social workers, lawyers, business people, clergy and many others. Here are our current offerings. Check back often because we are constantly adding new training and personal growth workshops.

2024 Summer Intensive:
Healing Through Action: A Psychodrama Intensive for Trauma Recovery / June 20 – 24, 2024.

Mitigating with Impact:
Harnessing the Power of Social Atoms in Sentencing / October 18 – 19, 2024
Psychodrama Workshops: A Path to Certification by the American Board of Psychodrama Examiners
Are you interested in becoming a certified psychodrama practitioner? In this article we will explore the apprenticeship model of training and how attending psychodrama workshops can help you obtain the necessary training hours for certification by the American Board of Psychodrama Examiners (ABE).
What is Psychodrama?
Psychodrama is a therapeutic approach that utilizes role-playing and dramatic techniques to explore and address emotional and psychological issues. It is often used in group therapy settings to help individuals gain insight, enhance self-awareness, and develop new coping skills.
What is the American Board of Examiners?
The ABE is a professional organization that sets standards for psychodrama training and certification. To become a certified psychodrama practitioner, individuals must complete a certain number of training hours, supervised practice, and demonstrate competency in psychodrama techniques.
How Can I Become Certified?
Psychodrama certification in the United States essentially follows an apprenticeship model of training. This model involves working closely with a certified psychodrama trainer, educator and practitioner (TEP) who provides guidance, feedback, and supervision throughout the training process. Apprenticeships offer a more personalized and tailored approach to learning, allowing individuals to develop their skills at their own pace.
One way to obtain the required training hours is by attending psychodrama, sociometry and group psychotherapy workshops lead by TEPs, including those in resident at the Michigan Psychodrama Center, Dr. Elizabeth Corby and Patrick Barone.
These workshops are typically led by experienced psychodrama trainers and provide participants with hands-on experience in conducting psychodrama sessions. Workshops may focus on specific topics or techniques, such as role reversal, doubling, or sociometry.
Attending workshops not only allows aspiring practitioners to gain practical experience but also provides an opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, therapists, mental health workers, social workers, lawyers and others seeking personal growth or psychodrama certification. Sharing experiences and learning from others can greatly enhance the learning process and contribute to professional growth.
It is worth noting that while attending workshops and obtaining training hours are important steps towards certification, they are not the only requirements. Individuals must also meet other criteria, such as completing a certain number of supervised psychodrama practice hours, independent study, and passing the ABE certification exam and psychodrama onsite. See the ABE website for more information and details.
How Should I select What Workshops to Attend?
When selecting workshops to attend, it is important to ensure that they are recognized by the ABE and count towards the required training hours. The American Board of Examiners maintains a list of approved workshops on their website, which can be a valuable resource for individuals seeking certification.
The Michigan Psychodrama Center provides ABE approved workshops where attendees can obtain training hours to apply to psychodrama certification.